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  Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
 立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉 

WK LO's LegCo Express
Jan 2014

1. Overall planning, budgeting, coordination and control of public works programmes
At the meeting of the Public Works Subcommittee on 7 January 2014, in the light of the recent substantial increase in project costs for a number of public works programmes, members expressed concern on the administration's planning, budgeting, coordination and control of public works programmes. As the Chairman of the PWSC, I wrote to the Chief Secretary for Administration and urged the Government to learn from the experience of the works projects with cost overruns and improve the overall planning and management of public works programmes to ensure that public monies are properly used.  Members of the Subcommittee and the stakeholders of the engineering sector are also very concerned about the escalating project costs and the shortage of labour in the construction industry. The Chief Secretary replied that in the past ten LegCo sessions, which had witnessed several economic cycles, of the 600 capital works projects with funding approved by the Finance Committee, only about one out of ten required an increase in the approved project estimate. Individual projects may require an increase in the cost due to unforeseen circumstances. The relevant bureaux and departments will continue to engage LegCo members and listen to their views in managing the public works programme. Please click the links below to view my letter and the reply letter from the CS: 
   My letter to the CS
   Reply letter from the CS

2. Innovation and Technology Bureau
Since I was elected as a Legislator, I have been working with the science and technology sectors to urge the Government to establish a Technology Bureau so as to formulate the objectives and policies for the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. On 7 January, members from around 40 technology professional associations gathered together to announce the establishment of the Alliance to Fight for Technology Bureau and urged the Government to develop and implement an overarching plan for Hong Kong to move forward economic transformation with the strategic development and use of Innovation and Technology. We welcome the government's re-initiation of the establishment of the Innovation and Technology Bureau as announced in the 2014 Policy Address. I earnestly hope that the establishment of this Bureau will receive supports from Legislators and the community because innovation and technology help improve economy and people's livelihood, improve operational efficiency of industries, and enhance overall competitiveness of Hong Kong. In the long run, I think the CE ought to formulate a comprehensive and long-term industrial development strategy.

3. Amendment to motion “Promoting the economic development of Lok Ma Chau and Lantau Island”
I moved an amendment to the motion“Promoting the economic development of Lok Ma Chau and Lantau Island” at the LegCo meeting on 8 January to urge the Government to expeditiously study the setting up of a business and shopping centre in Lok Ma Chau and, in the light of the impending completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, set up an inter-departmental development committee to promptly formulate an overall development plan and perfect the infrastructure support for Lantau Island, so as to promote the development of diversified industries such as tourism, convention and exhibition, logistics and environmental protection, etc., including building more hotels and shopping malls on Lantau Island, so as to stimulate the economic development of the areas concerned, thereby creating diversified employment and business start-up opportunities. The original motion and my amendment got supports from the LegCo members and were passed. 

4. Raised question on road safety involving crane lorries
Regarding the road safety involving crane lorries, I raised a written question on 8 January and asked the Government on the number of traffic accidents in the past five years involving crane lorries the cranes of which had not been folded properly and the resultant casualties and whether it will tighten the safety measures for regulating crane lorries running on the road. As fitting warning flashers on crane lorries to remind drivers and crane operators to pay attention to the height of the crane may reduce accidents, I wondered if the authorities have considered requiring that all crane lorries be fitted with such safety device. The Government said that upon receipt of car owner’s application, one or more warning flash lamps showing amber light can be installed on the vehicle. Given that appropriate safety measures to regulate crane lorries running on roads have already been in place, the Government replied that the administration will not tighten the safety measures for crane lorries but will continue to monitor the situation. To view the question, please click the following link: 

5. Support creation of Permanent Directorate posts in the Housing Department 
In view of the increase in new public housing production target, and the corresponding increase in housing-related infrastructural projects, the Government proposed creation of directorate posts in the housing department at the panel meeting on 6 January. I support the proposal as there is an urgent need to create such posts due to the additional workload arising from the new public housing production targets. To maintain professional standards and overall morale of the civil service team, I especially urged the Government to ensure proper co-ordination and management with professional grade staff of relevant government departments. 

 II. Articles Published
1. 如何推動大嶼山經濟發展 《星島日報》2014年1月28日
2. 施政報告注重經濟民生均衡發展 《文匯報》2014年1月24日
3. 港鐵必須對症下藥 改善風險管理《文匯報》 2014年1月13日
4. 增中產稅務優惠 勝全面減稅 《經濟日報》2014年1月11日

Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
11 Feb, 2014
 Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express 
  Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
Room 709, 7/F, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong 
香港中區立法會道1號 立法會綜合大樓7樓709室
Tel 電話 : 2539 0610  | Fax 傳真 : 2539 0621 
 Email 電郵 : wklo@engineer.com  | Website 網頁: www.irdrwklo.hk